Evil Root Male Enhancement Pills
- This product is marketed as a fast-acting and super potent herbal formula for male enhancement.
- It is intended for use by men who are over the legal age of 18.
- The product is sold in boxes of 6 pills, with each serving size being 1 pill.
- The ingredients are claimed to be all-natural and with no side effects.
- The product is shipped the same business day and free shipping is offered within the USA with a tracking number.
Directions and Warnings
- The product should be taken as 1 capsule, 1 serving, 15 minutes to 1 hour before sexual intercourse.
- It is recommended not to exceed 1 serving in 24 hours.
- The product is not recommended for men with uncontrolled high blood pressure.
- The product should be stored in a cool, dry place.
- Consultation with a doctor is advised for men who are taking prescription medications or have medical conditions before using this product.
Ingredients and Benefits
- The product contains Rhodiola, a plant-based medicine widely used for stress-busting and improving energy, stamina, strength, and sexual function.
- The website emphasizes prioritizing the customer's health and recommends reading the precautions and consulting a doctor if any health events or allergies occur.
Vegetable Viagra 200mg Capsule
- This product is a well-known viagra for men to enhance their sexual experience.
- The product contains organic elements and chemicals that are claimed to be healthy for the body.
- The recommended serving size is 1 capsule per day, taken either 20 minutes before sexual intercourse or 45 minutes before bed.
- The benefits of the product include increased penis length and hardness, improved libido, and longer-lasting sexual intercourse pleasure.
- The product can cause lower blood pressure, raised cholesterol levels, and longer erections, which can lead to health problems.
- The product can be ordered without a prescription from the website www.bluecrossdrugstore.com.
Overall, both Evil Root Male Enhancement Pills and Vegetable Viagra 200mg Capsule are marketed as male enhancement products, with Evil Root being a herbal formula and Vegetable Viagra being a well-known viagra. It is important to consult with a doctor before using these products, as they can have potential health risks and side effects.